

Page history last edited by Rachel Whitfield 5 years, 4 months ago

Welcome to the KidsMeet Wiki where you can find details about each KidsMeet event

Here you can find details about the format, view a media stream of previous KidsMeet events and find out how to organise your own KidsMeet.  


KidsMeet is a concept developed from the success of TeachMeet. KidsMeet events provide children with the opportunity to speak about their learning in a positive environment. This is in the form of a 5 - 7 minute group presentation to be given by children, for children. Content can focus on the effect that their teacher's innovative practice has had on their learning, an element of their learning that has gone really well or simply something they would like to share with other children and teachers that has made a difference to them or changed their approach to learning. 

All presentations should include real classroom experiences.
Examples of presentation focuses: ■ A piece of software ■ A lesson ■ A web or physical resource ■ A tip to help others


To log in and sign up, use the following account User: kidsmeet    Pwd: learning




Click this link for more information on the event


Digital Leader Conference 2019

8th of October 2019


Stroud School, Romsey





Digital Leader Conference 2018

18th October 2018


Stroud School Romsey


***Click here for more details and to sign up***






Click this link for more information on the event


Digital Leader Conference 2017

16th November 2017


Stroud School, Romsey






Click this link for more information on the event


Digital Leader Conference 2016

2nd November 2016


Stroud School, Romsey



STEAM Co.Crown House PublishingImage result for naace



Click here to find out more and sign up



Click above link for more information on the event


Digital Leader Conference 2015

4th November 2015


King Edward VI School, Southampton


Sponsors to be announced



Click on the link above for more information about the event.


To sign up to present and attend, please contact Chris Mayoh - @chrismayoh or mistermayoh@gmail.com


Please note: this event has been postponed until Autumn 2015. More details will be released shortly.




A Day for Student Digital Leaders...

Digital Leaders Conference

20th March 2015 10am-3pm

For Primary and Secondary Digital Leaders

At Arden Academy, Knowle, Solihull B93 0PT


Students sharing what they do, taking part in workshops and

plan where they can take Digital Leaders in their school next


For more information contact Liz Allton or the Arden Digital Leaders

@lizsaddler @ArdenDLs





Monday 10th March 2014





LearnMeet Thames Valley



Thursday 26th June 2014


Reading University



Digital Leader Conference 2014



5th November 2014

King Edward VI School, Southampton.


Kindly supported by:












18th June, 2013

13:15 to 16:30 

Elm Park Primary School

South End Road

Hornchurch, Essex

RM12 5UA.










BETT 2013





KidsMeet Pompey! 


21st March 2013 students and staff from local schools are invited to take part in kidsmeet Pompey


This is to tie in with BBC News School Report live day and will be a variation from the 'normal' kidsmeet format in that the event will not be structured around specific presentations as such but rather a day of co-construction and collaboration between secondary school students and open minded educators. The focus will be on creating activities around the Historic Dockyard of Portsmouth that utilise mobile devices to empower learning, so students will share their knowledge and experience of using technology and work with teachers / professionals to design suitable learning activities. The focus is on using tech to facilitate, not detract from learning. 


We are looking for local schools to take part by sending a teacher and around 5 students to Action Stations at the Historic Dockyard for the day. 


Jo Debens & David Rogers from Priory School will be leading the day in liaison with Phil Wright from Action Stations. Please see this blog post for more details : 



If you are interested, please sign up below / email on jdebens@gmail.com / tweet @geodebs . Times of the day to be confirmed but likely to be 0900-1400.


To edit this page & sign up please log in with : kidsmeet, password: learning




- Priory School Portsmouth x 10 kids Yr7-9 @geodebs

- City of Portsmouth Girls School x10 yr9 @janeyb222

- Springfield School @misslkelly

- Milton Cross x 10 yr9 @miltoncrossgeog






The Night Zookeeper Logo young rewired state  TATE_KIDS_LOGO_CMYK_300dpi_transparent



Night Zookeeper HQ



Register Here





KidsMeet Bromley (register here)

Lovibonds Av, Orpington, Kent BR6 8EW

20th April 2012

10am - 3.30pm




 Kids Meet London Logo   Darrick Wood logo  The Night Zookeeper Logo 










The inaugural event is being held at Hawes Side Primary School, Blackpool. There are spaces for 12 presentations, so if you're interested in joining us, please add your name and details to the list by clicking on the picture below.























Monday 11th July 2011


Paganel Primary School

B29 5TG

or go to shineday.paganelschool.net to sign up.

Use #kmBrum as a tag.




Kids Meet London


Kids Meet London Logo


We will be hosting a series of kids meet events across London. 

Please register your interest here or contact

paul@nightzookeeper.com for more information

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