
Fulham KidsMeet

Page history last edited by Paul Hutson 12 years, 11 months ago

Kids Meet London Logo 

Night Zookeeper are excited to announce that we have confirmed the first KidsMeet event of 2012, which will be held at Sir John Lillie Primary school in Fulham. We have been working with Lee Duffy, a year 6 teacher at the school to organise a suitable date and timetable for the day. The event has unfortunately had to be rescheduled due to a teaching strike falling on the original date of the 28th March. We hope to have a new date very soon. 

SJL_circle_logoThe Night Zookeeper Logo


Preparation guidelines

Each school will be allocated 25 minutes in total to present. Each group of students should prepare a 5 minute presentation followed by a 20 minute workshop session. Teams can present on their chosen topic. They should try and present on some recent learning that has taken place in their class or at their school this term. The workshop sessions will provide every individual group a chance to experience an activity linked to the presentation. The presenting team will be responsible for leading these small group sessions. Please contact paul@nightzookeeper.com if you have any questions about preparation for the event.


Interested in participating? Unfortunately we only have enough space and time to accept the first seven schools to register. We suggest that each school should nominate 6 or 7 student representatives to attend the event. Please Sign up below:


Full Name Twitter Name School Email Presentation Topic
Paul Hutson @nightzookeeper Night Zookeeper paul@nightzookeeper.com Organiser - Intro to the day
Claire Lotriet @OhLottie 
Kensington Avenue Primary School, Croydon 
Lee Duffy @lduffy85 Sir John Lillie Primary School lee@sirjohnlillie.lbhf.sch.uk   
Adam Young  @youngdeputy  Culvers House Primary School, Sutton     
Peter Hirst  @Every1Speaks  Every1Speaks  peter@every1speaks.com  Get them listening! 
Andrew Kilgour & Carrie Cox  @_imaginaryme  Darrick Wood Junior School  andrew.kilgour@darrickwood-jun.bromley.sch.uk  Education App Design Project 


If this table is full please register your interest in KidsMeet here


Day Format:


Session 1: 10am – 10.30am

Good morning meet and greet session for all participants. Peter Hirst, from Every1Speaks will kick of the day with an introduction and provide some useful practical tips children can use as and when they present to fellow participants. Following on from Peter’s introduction we will get started with the first 2 presentations in session 2.


Session 2: 10.30am – 11.30am

The first two groups of students will present within this session.


Break: 11.30am – 11.45am

This will provide an opportunity for students to meet one another. We encourage students to prepare and bring along networking cards with them. These should include only their first name and URL address for their class blog. These can then be shared in order to enhance traffic to respective blogs.


Session 3: 11.45am – 12.45pm

The second two groups of students will present within this session.


Lunch: 12.45pm – 13.30pm

Networking buffet lunch. – we will also take this opportunity to play some presentations prepared by international schools.


Session 4: 13.30pm – 15.00pm

Final three groups will present during this session. 



Rising Stars Publishers have kindly donated a book for every student that takes part in the event!


They are also offering the following prize to one team that presents throughout the day. It is as follows:


An exclusive Rising Stars ‘Young Publishers Day’ at the Rising Stars offices in London.

The winners will spend the day working with Rising Stars to develop some new product ideas.  The children will


* Develop a new product idea with guidance from the publishing team at Rising Stars.

* Learn now to put together a financial proposal for a product and to develop a sales and marketing plan!

* Present their product plan to the Managing Director of Rising Stars.     


The team will also have lunch at the offices and be given goody bags to take away!



Special Guests: throughout the day we will be delivering enrichment workshops.


Peter Hirst from Every1Speaks.com


Peter is a Newcastle University graduate friend of Night Zookeeper. He is developing software that enhances student voice and encourages collaboration and creativity. Peter will be delivering confidence building workshops throughout the day.  These skills will be put into practice as they deliver their presentations. Peter will also be judging the presentation competition based on the following criteria:

Projection and Expression during presentation

Interaction with your audience

Clear explanation of activities throughout group work

Quality of activities during group work


Kate Ho from interface3.com. 


We met Kate recently at a startup weekend event held in London. She runs an App development company and expressed an interest in running programming workshops for the students throughout the day. 



Directions & transport links for Sir John Lillie Primary School




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